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The Demon King's Destiny Page 19

  Instinct took over and Marrok lowered his front to her back. He grabbed a handful of dark red hair and pulled, exposing the curve of his mate’s delicate neck, where it met her shoulder. Now, his demon susurrated. Do it now.

  Marrok bit into her flesh and Evelyn’s sultry cries turned into high-pitched wails of pleasure. He could feel the pulsating ripples of her climax as she detonated around him.

  Evelyn’s body accepted everything he gave. In this position, she could take him deeper than ever before. Marrok gave in and allowed himself to take her as his demon demanded. His hips surged with urgency as he found his own release.

  On and on it went until they both collapsed. Marrok licked the two wounds he’d left and rolled to the side so he wouldn’t crush her. The diminutive healing properties of his saliva should be enough to close the tiny perforations.

  A sheen of sweat covered them both. He cupped the side of her face, no longer assaulted by bolts of lightning. The bjesnilo had passed. Not that he didn’t still want to take her. Even after all that, he was still aroused. At least now it wasn’t a compulsion he couldn’t control.

  They laid in silence, catching their breaths. Marrok tenderly stroked her face, brushing her auburn hair away.

  Evelyn shifted to her side, fully facing him.

  “It’s very nice to meet you, finally,” she quipped.

  Marrok’s lips stretched, grinning like a fool. He leaned across and kissed her gently. “And you, as well, little mate.” He kissed her once more then asked her how she felt.

  “Good. A little tired, but I feel good.”

  “Just good?”

  “Amazing. Marvelous. Astounded. Beyond impressed by your sexual prowess. Is that better?”


  Evelyn smirked. She reached for a pillow to put under her head and winced. Gingerly, she rubbed across the scars already forming on the two small puncture wounds.

  “I didn’t realize demons bit.”

  Marrok grimaced. “They don’t. Usually. It’s an archaic practice male demons used to insist upon so the world would see their female was marked.”

  “So then, why did you bite me?”

  He trailed his fingers over the twin marks. “I couldn’t stop myself. My demon wanted it. I wanted it. Archaic or not, I wanted to mark you as mine. Does it bother you?”

  She shook her head. “No. I enjoyed it, actually. Is it something we can do again and again?”

  His chest shook. “You might be the most perfect female ever created.”

  Evelyn blushed but didn’t respond.

  Marrok pulled her close and rolled to his back, tucking her in to his side. Her arm came around his waist and she hooked one leg over his. She fit perfectly alongside him.

  “You should try to rest, Evelyn.”

  “Don’t you think we need to talk first? I doubt you had enough time for Theron to tell you everything that has happened.” Or to talk through his reaction to their last shared dream.

  “I didn’t, but we can address it in the morning. Rest for now because I’ve not had my fill of you yet. I’ll be waking you soon.”


  “Yes. Oh.”

  He kissed the top of her head and rubbed up and down her spine until her breathing evened out.

  Chapter 23

  “Did Evelyn share what’s occurred these past two weeks?” Theron asked from the other side of the desk.

  Both Evelyn and Marrok were seated across from the priest, having finally emerged from the bedroom. It was late morning, yet Evelyn was yawning repetitively. Marrok hadn’t allowed her much rest. He’d even taken her in the bath earlier, after having had her multiple times throughout the night.

  “We didn’t do much talking,” the demon responded, watching with amusement as his mate blushed furiously.

  Theron snorted. “Yes, well, you may not want to speak so freely in her father’s presence.”

  Of the four factions, elementals were the ones with the strictest views on sex. Pre-marital intercourse wasn’t forbidden, it just wasn’t encouraged as it was elsewhere.

  Wolves, vampires, and demons had very different opinions on casual coupling. Marrok thought it was because their lifespans were much longer and it could take centuries to find one’s fated mate. Hundreds of years of celibacy wasn’t anything anyone would choose to withstand.

  “I promise I’ll stay on Edward’s good side,” Marrok swore and reached for Evelyn’s hand, squeezing it.

  “I think that wise,” Theron agreed.

  “Speaking of, why did Edward leave?”

  “To get to Nora and deal with …” Theron looked at Evelyn who was twisting her mouth nervously. “Kellan figured out who was responsible for the poisoning. I didn’t add specifics to the message I sent to you on the off chance it was intercepted.”

  “Who would bother to intercept correspondence between us?”

  “I’m sure you already know the answer to that. It seems the brotherhood is still active.”

  “Sephtis Kenelm,” Marrok said aloud, feeling the weight of the declaration sit heavy upon his shoulders. Talking of it in the dreamworld was one thing. Having Theron confirm it was another.

  Marrok’s thumb brushed across Evelyn’s knuckles. He debated pulling her into his lap, then thought better of it after how red her face had been a minute ago.

  “Who poisoned Nora?” Marrok finally asked.

  “A she-wolf. One under compulsion.”

  “Only demons can put others under compulsion.”

  “Technically, vampires can hypnotize others, but it’s usually short-lived. You’re correct, however. She was under a demon’s compulsion.”

  Marrok inhaled. Evelyn’s dreams implied Bogdan was the one who would have inherited the marking. Favin’s intelligence had informed them Bogdan had travelled to Burghard.

  “Was it a demon named Bogdan?”

  “Yes. I’ll not ask how you know. Rather, I would ask if you have any other information coming through your network, you share it.”

  Marrok glanced at Evelyn then nodded. “Of course. In turn, I would ask to handle Bogdan personally.”

  “I’m sorry to say you’ll not be getting access to that male.”

  “Why not?”

  “He’s already dead. As is the elemental involved. Kellan took care of one and Nora the other. The she-wolf, a healer named Agatha, got away. We’ve not identified the vampire involved.”

  Evelyn let out a shuddering breath, caught somewhere between sorrow and fury. Her fear of what her dreams had been showing her was realized. It was Sephtis Kenelm.

  Almost worse was the news Kellan’s missive contained, the one prompting her father to ride to Burghard last week. The identification of the elemental member of the brotherhood was something King Edward could not ignore.

  “Evelyn?” Marrok’s questioning eyes bore into hers when she lifted her face.

  “You knew him, didn’t you? The elemental Nora took care of?” he guessed, both scenting and feeling her wave of emotions.

  “Her. I knew her very well. She was our governess, Mara. Father sent her with Nora so Nora wouldn’t feel alone. We treated her like family and she deceived us all. She raised Nora from birth,” her voice cracked. “I’d kill the traitor myself if she was in front of me.”

  “Come here, little mate,” he coaxed, pulling Evelyn onto his lap so he could wrap his arms around her.

  She settled easily against him, allowing him to soothe some of the rage threatening to rise. He tucked her head under his chin and gave what little comfort he could before turning his attention back to the priest.

  “Bogdan and this Mara are dead. Unless they had plans in place for their replacements, that would mean there is still a wolf and a vampire at large.”

  “Yes. Kellan and Viktor have made plans to track them. The wolves caught their scents already near the border to Prajna.”

  “When will Edward return?”

  “He won’t,” Evelyn squeaked, her emotions ge
tting the best of her. “Not for a while, at least.”

  “Why ever not?”

  “The scent they found? Of the vampire? It came from the forest … from where my Father and those traveling with him were attacked. He was almost killed.”

  Marrok tried to keep his muscles from tensing under her. His mate needed a soft place to land right now, not a hardened warrior out for vengeance.

  “I’m sorry, moj draga.”

  “Don’t be. It’s not like there was anything you could do. Luckily, we were assured he was on the mend when Nora and Kellan visited.”

  “Good. I’m glad.”

  He kissed the top of her head, thinking. Stroking her back, they sat in silence for long minutes. Marrok felt her relax and her breathing even out. He wasn’t surprised, not after their night-long exertions.

  “What’s coming, Theron?” he asked quietly. “What should we do?”

  The old man’s kaleidoscope eyes spun. “That I cannot tell you.”

  Marrok exhaled. “Can’t or won’t?”

  “Both. I cannot steer the ship. It is forbidden. I can give you information on the wind, on the swells, but I cannot steer you through the storm, nor can I see if you make it through to the other side. There are rules to the universe, Marrok, and the full revelation of a vision comes with a price.”

  “Tell me what you can, then.”

  “Evelyn needs to return with you to the Southland.”

  “It’s not safe.”

  “Do not forget what I told you of Gwydion, Burghard, and Prajna. Choices were made for those kingdoms. Nothing about them came easy, but in the end, the choices made all the difference.”

  Theron’s gaze lingered on the beloved female in Marrok’s arms. “It’s time for you to choose, Marrok.”

  “Choose what?”

  “Your saatus.”

  “A saatus isn’t a choice. You know that,” Marrok bit out, aggravated with the priest’s riddles.

  “Isn’t she?”

  Marrok started to argue and stopped himself when Theron went rigid, the purple and silver of his eyes spinning oddly.

  “You need to return to Sundari,” Theron insisted, coming out of his stupor.

  “I will.”

  “No, you need to go now. I’ll have Viktor’s man port you to the palace. Favin and Danil will bring the horses and her things.”

  Marrok didn’t like the idea of travelling without his guards. He also didn’t like the idea of taking Evelyn to the home Brennen once occupied.

  “The fortress—”

  “No, I think you need to be closer to the border for now. Trust me on this. Please.”

  His insistence gave Marrok pause. He inhaled Evelyn’s essence, knowing it would calm him. He needed to be logical right now. If the Seer was insisting Marrok take his mate to the palace, it wasn’t without a valid reason.

  “If you insist.”

  “Thank you,” Theron replied, visibly relaxing. “Also, when you’re in a secured location, you need to let Evelyn show you her most recent dreams.”

  Marrok’s lips pressed tight. “Alright,” he grated.

  “Wonderful. I’ll go fetch your transportation.”

  * * *

  Evelyn rolled and stretched under the heavy comforter, coming out of a dreamless sleep. After weeks of dreaming others’ memories, it was a welcome way to wake.

  She reached for Marrok, her hand hitting cool sheets. Not only was he not beside her, he hadn’t been for some time. She forced her eyes open, not recognizing the large canopy above. Evelyn’s bed in the temple’s living quarters didn’t have a canopy.

  She bolted upright, searching the dim room—a room she’d never seen before. The space surrounding her was large and felt empty. The bed was the obvious focal point of the chamber. A couple of chairs and a small settee, covered in a sheet, were the only other items of furniture.

  “I’m here,” Marrok assured, rising from one of the chairs next to the bed. He sat beside Evelyn and nuzzled her cheek with his.

  “How do you feel?” he asked, reluctantly putting a little space between them so they could talk.

  “Refreshed. I was exhausted. I’ve not been sleeping well.”

  “I’m sure.”

  Her head swiveled around the room once more, this time taking in the rich earthen colors, accented with deep browns and golds. The walls appeared to be covered in a muted rainbow of painted clay.

  One contained a mural of a desert at sunset. She’d never been to Sundari, but knew it was the only kingdom with any sort of arid land, mainly in the far South.

  “Where are we?”


  “We’re at your palace?” she asked skeptically.

  Marrok nodded, unsure how he felt having her here. He’d always thought of this as Brennen’s home, despite it having been the residence of each of the royals before. Even Marrok had lived in this wing as a lad, with his parents.

  “How did we get here?”

  “Viktor’s guard ported us here.”

  “And I didn’t wake?”

  He tucked a strand of auburn behind her ear. “You were out of it and I hadn’t the heart to wake you.”

  Evelyn’s eyes narrowed. “You woke me continuously last night.”

  His sensual smile had her coiling with need. Marrok inhaled and his smile stretched further. She slapped him playfully on the arm and he laughed.

  “Why?” she asked.

  “Because I couldn’t resist you, little mate.”

  “No, why am I here?”

  “You belong with me.”

  “Suddenly it’s that simple?” she replied dubiously.

  “Theron also saw something he couldn’t share, but he basically pushed us out the door. For now, this is where we need to be. Favin and Danil will be here soon.”

  “They weren’t allowed to hitch a ride with Hale?”

  She didn’t know the two males, but she knew how much they meant to Marrok. He’d spoken of them fondly during their many nights together in the dreamworld.

  “No. They have the horses and are bringing your things.”

  “My things? Wait … how long am I to stay? My father has no idea where I am.”

  “Indefinitely.” His tone brokered no argument.

  Admittedly, Evelyn liked his answer. She felt like they were on the precipice of something of great magnitude, of starting their life together. They had a few things to clear up between them, and a malicious brotherhood to contend with, but she was finally with him. Evelyn would fight with everything in her to keep him.

  “This isn’t your room,” she assessed, shifting the conversation.

  “What makes you think that?”

  “There’s nothing in here.”

  “I don’t stay here very often. I prefer the fortress in Terenuskit. It’s closer to the peninsula and I can better keep an eye on things from there. For now, though, we will stay here as Theron requested. There are a number of rooms to choose from. You can have whatever you want to decorate them.”

  Evelyn twisted her mouth side to side. “I’m happy to sleep wherever you sleep. I don’t need much, so as long as there is space to put some clothing away, I’ll be content.”

  Marrok felt the same. He had no ties to this place. His only desire was to be with Evelyn in whatever home they made together.

  So unlike Melena, his demon taunted. Though the spirit had never been fond of his wife, Marrok couldn’t argue there were significant differences between the females.

  Melena had wanted two chambers, one for him and one for her. He’d believed it was because she came from wealth and needed the space for her belongings. She was fond of the finer things in life and he was only happy to fulfill her requests.

  Truth be told, he was acknowledging more and more the things about his late wife he’d chosen to forget. It was difficult to accept she had characteristics he would never seek out in a life partner.

  Marrok needed to stop comparing the two females. There was no
comparison, not anymore.

  “Theron is going to write to your father,” he informed Evelyn. “I know it’s not how we planned it, but it’s how he’ll find out you’ve been confirmed as my mate.”

  “He’ll be upset he wasn’t there, that we’ve not had a ceremony.”

  Marrok shrugged. “We’re bonded. Fully. It’s far more binding than any wedding could ever be.” He gave her a second to let his words sink in before continuing.

  “However, if you want a wedding, and to have your father watch you take your vows, you shall have it.”

  Evelyn shook her head stubbornly. “I’ve decided I do not want a royal wedding.”

  She didn’t say why. She didn’t have to. Marrok knew she’d suffered having to live through the memory of his emotions as Melena walked down the aisle to him.

  He would have done anything to spare Evelyn from it. He questioned Fate’s decisions where those dreams were concerned, though he knew he should have told Evelyn about Melena from the start. The fault was his for those particular memories.

  “Then we’ll do a binding ceremony, if you want. We don’t have to decide today. We have time.”

  “Alright,” Evelyn agreed, fidgeting her hands on the blanket. Her focus remained on her lap.


  “Yes?” she whispered. She felt like she was about to burst into tears for no apparent reason.

  “Look at me.”

  When she didn’t lift her face, Marrok tilted her chin with his fingertips. She hated the sting she felt as her eyes filled.

  “I’m sorry,” he told her earnestly. “The way I reacted during our last dream together … I shouldn’t have treated you like that.”

  “It’s okay.”

  “No. It’s not. I wasn’t prepared for it and I reacted poorly.”

  Marrok embraced his saatus and rocked her slowly, trying to take away a little of the hurt he’d caused. When her small hands slid around him, the knot in his chest loosened.

  “What do we do now?” she asked.

  “I think it’s time you show me the things I didn’t want to see.”