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The Demon King's Destiny Page 18

  Furthermore, Evelyn hadn’t seen Marrok since the night she’d shown him the dream of Melena carving up her chest. It had been hard for him to see and he’d lashed out. She could sense his frustration occasionally, but that was all she was picking up.

  “Does he know I’m here?”

  “No, though I’m sure he could figure it out easily enough. He’s riding to Gwydion first.”


  “Why do you think?”

  “For me? He knows I’m not there.”

  Theron’s violet kaleidoscope eyes swirled with magic. He looked at Evelyn, but if felt like he wasn’t seeing her, like something else was in his field of vision.

  She wondered what he wanted to discuss. He already knew everything. As soon as her father left for Burghard, Evelyn told Theron of her dreamworld, starting with the first time Marrok had entered it and ending with their last visit.

  The morning they’d arrived, he pulled Evelyn aside and told her it would be best not to mention anything she’d been dreaming. He’d seen what would happen if she did and so she’d kept quiet.

  Because he already knew about her dreams, she felt comfortable discussing them. She’d hoped he could give her insight on the last ones she’d had of Melena. He’d said he needed to think on it.

  “It’s the new moon. He is riding to Gwydion to request access to you. He knows Edward has taken you away, but your father and Flynn do not know that you told him as much. Flynn is waiting for him.”

  “When will he arrive here?”

  “Sometime before nightfall.”

  Evelyn clasped her hands tightly together. She was nervous. Her father and sisters were kingdoms away. Flynn had stayed behind to handle things in Gwydion. There would be no buffer for her when Marrok arrived.

  Theron’s warm hand settled atop hers. “Do not fret.”

  “Because it will all work out?” she asked, hoping one of his visions had shown a positive outcome.

  “Ah, that I do not know. What I do know is that faith can go a long way. Have some faith in Marrok. It is not so easy for him to have faith in himself. He’ll need you to help him with that.”

  “I can do that.”

  “I would also advise, when you see him, you do not touch him.”

  “What?” she chirped, pretending not to know his meaning. There wasn’t enough gold on the planet to get her to discuss the concept of a mating frenzy with a male older than dirt.

  “Trust me. Please.”

  “I do.”

  “Good. Now let us go to our evening meal. All this drama has left my belly empty.”

  Evelyn laughed. “You’re always suggesting food.”

  “I’m always hungry,” he clucked and she laughed again.

  * * *

  “Shall I stable the horses, Sire?”

  Marrok dismounted and shook his head. “Get them watered for now, Favin. We may have to ride out again, sooner than we’d like.”

  “Very well.”

  “Shall I accompany you or go with Favin?” Danil grunted hopping off his horse. “Don’t figure you need me to hold your hand, but I will.”

  “Go with Favin.”

  “Right-i-o, my liege,” he sang and sauntered off towards the stables.

  Marrok didn’t know how Danil could be so chipper after eight hours in the saddle—and that was only from Gwydion to here. It was a two-day ride from the peninsula just to reach Gwydion’s border with few stops.

  He stretched his back and rolled his head around his neck. He needed to bathe. He needed to eat. And he needed to find his mate. He was hoping she was here, though, he had planned on coming here no matter what. Theron’s message had been too alarming to ignore.

  “Welcome, King Marrok!” Theron’s voice echoed from the top of the stairs.

  The older male’s bright irises, filled with shades of purple and silver, stood out starkly against his weathered skin. Even from twenty paces away, Marrok could easily see them.

  Marrok jogged up the steps and inclined his head to the priest. “Theron. I came as soon as I was able.”

  “Of course, of course. Come, you’ve spent too much time on your steed. My stable boys will take care of your companions. We’ve much to discuss.”

  “Thank you.”

  Marrok followed Theron. Instead of heading to his study, he took him into a large sitting room. A table was already set with refreshments and he realized just how parched he was.

  “Your timing is perfect, Theron.”

  Twinkling eyes met his and a hand clapped him on the back. “Of course it is.”

  The priest took one of the chairs and gestured to the other. Marrok thought the male looked older. His long grey hair was now showing strands of white. Though his face still held mirth, as it always did, it also looked tired.

  “Is everything alright?” Marrok asked, sliding into the chair opposite Theron.

  “It will be. Goddess willing.”

  Marrok waited for more, but Theron said nothing. Instead, he filled them both a glass of water and then uncorked a bottle of wine.

  “Please,” he nodded at the food. “I have already eaten. I can hear your demon stomach eating itself. Refuel while we chat.”

  Marrok filled his plate and Theron relaxed into his seat, sipping on his wine. He waited for Marrok to start eating before speaking.

  “Thank you for coming so quickly. The past couple of weeks have been trying for all of Imperium, though, many are unaware.”

  “I’m aware, generally speaking, of the issues.”

  Theron lifted one eyebrow. “Such as?”

  “Power drains in Gwydion. I had reports the scents of magics on the elementals had diminished to the point my informant couldn’t pick up on them unless he was close.”

  “This, thank the Goddess, has ceased to be the case. Since Nora left Gwydion, there’s been no draining.”

  Marrok lowered his fork. “Edward’s youngest was the cause?”

  “So it seems.”

  “Then what effect is she having in Burghard? Their forests have been slowly dying for years. She could put a strain on it, if she was pulling power from it.”

  “Quite the opposite, it seems. Kellan reported, since their mating, the forest has started to heal.”

  Marrok held very still, digesting more than just his meal. “You’re saying both Gwydion and Burghard are on the mend.”


  Marrok wiped his mouth, his attention returning to his plate. “And what of Prajna?”

  “Viktor found his sieva.”

  Marrok’s eyes snapped to Theron’s. His knee bounced, renewed energies coursing through his limbs. There had been no newly mated pairs in Prajna in a century. This had been the vampire’s struggle. No mated pairs and no live births.

  The tide had turned for three of the four factions. It all started with Kellan finding Nora, his true mate. Then, for Prajna with Viktor finding his true mate.

  Marrok poured himself a glass of wine and took a huge gulp. He, too, had found his true mate. Lately, there had been fewer rogues, as well as a multitude of saatus matches. They still had challenges, but did meeting Evelyn change the fortune of his people?

  “Aren’t you going to ask me who Viktor’s mate is?” Theron smirked.

  “Does it matter?”

  “I’d say it matters greatly, considering our continent’s history.”

  “Who is it?” Marrok asked, a twinging sensation prickling his neck.

  “Eden, Evelyn’s sister, is Viktor’s sieva.”

  Marrok sat back, stunned. His dinner suddenly felt like a brick sitting in his gut. He knew what Theron was hinting at, why it mattered greatly.

  Nora on the Northland throne, an attempt already made on her life. Eden on the Eastland throne. Evelyn … his saatus on the Southland throne. An elemental in power in every kingdom.

  Assuming Melena really did transfer her mark to Bogdan and Sephtis Kenelm was active, they would be out for all three of Edward’s children, poss
ibly Edward himself.

  “You know Evelyn is my mate, don’t you?”

  “I do.”

  “Is Edward here? I assumed he would come to you, possibly seeking help in protecting his daughters.”

  “He did come here to search the prophecies for clues. Something important came up and he rode to Burghard last week.”

  His demon spirit howled. It wanted its saatus. Hell, Marrok wanted her. Burghard was not safe, not with someone poisoning the king’s mate. Marrok needed to see Evelyn immediately, see for himself she was unharmed.

  “Where is Evelyn?” his voice dropped an octave, proof of his chaotic emotions.

  “We’ll get to that in a moment.”

  “Tell me where she is!” his fist pounded on the table, making the dishes jump.

  “I’m right here,” the sultry voice announced from behind him.

  Chapter 22

  Marrok had Evelyn off her feet and in his arms before she’d even realized he’d moved from his seat. How he’d gotten from the table to the doorway so quickly she didn’t know.

  His arms shook as she was compressed up against his front. He pushed his face into the fabric covering her chest as he held her aloft. Marrok hugged her so tightly she had difficulty breathing.

  Evelyn did the only thing she could, she held onto him, her feet dangling inches above the floor. Her eyes burned. He was real. He was tangible. There would be no waking up from this.

  A throat cleared and Evelyn lifted her watery eyes to Theron.

  “Might I suggest, before your skin touches his, you retreat to your rooms for the night? We can meet in the morning. I’ll leave you two to … talk things over while I find Marrok’s men a place to sleep.”

  Marrok snorted, not bothering to turn towards the priest. There’d be no talking tonight. He held his ear to Evelyn’s chest, listening to the rapid beat of her heart, waiting until the elderly male vacated the room.

  “You can put me down now.”

  “No, I cannot. Just tell me where your rooms are.”


  “Evelyn. The second I touch your skin, and I most certainly will be touching it, it could start the mating frenzy. It might not be as intense because of our bonding in the dreamworld, but trust me when I say you won’t want to be in this room. It’s the only reason I haven’t kissed you.”

  “Fine. Exit the room and turn left.”

  “Wrap your legs around me,” he demanded impatiently.

  “Anyone could see us.”

  “I don’t care.”

  “Several of my father’s men are here, as are two of Kellan’s wolves and one vampire. We are not alone.”

  Marrok adjusted his grip, his hands holding her aloft by her backside. He lowered Evelyn enough to allow her to feel his erection. She was now at eye level and he could see the flush of her skin, smell the sweetness of her sex.

  “Wrap them around me or I’ll have my fingers buried in you faster than you can say please.”

  “Marrok,” she breathed, licking her lips, staring into his rich, honey-like gaze. They were close enough to share breath, a whisper away from touching. Her insides clenched and she was tempted to rip away her clothing herself.

  Her legs lifted, locking behind his back. A satisfied rattle emitted from his chest and her panties grew damp. His bulge was notched right where she needed it most.

  “Please,” she whispered, arching her chest.

  “Not yet.”

  Marrok walked out of the room, carrying the center of his universe in his arms. He turned left, entering a long corridor. Halfway down, she told him to turn left again into a darkened hallway leading to a separate wing.

  Torches lit the way, but the only light he saw was the golden hue smoldering in his mate’s right eye. It marked her as his. He liked seeing her marked, even if it wasn’t of his doing. He wanted her branded in every way.

  Fevered anticipation to fully complete the bond, to lie with her in the flesh, besieged his body. He was dangerously close to taking her against the nearest wall.

  “How far down?” he grumbled, still staring at his saatus, unable to tear away from the trance she held him in.

  “Last door on the right.”

  “Are there others in this wing?”

  “No. Why do you ask?”

  “Because you’re going to scream my name loud enough to shake the heavens.”

  Marrok opened the door and swept them inside. The heavy wood swung shut on its own weight, closing with a loud click. As he reached for the lock, Evelyn’s mouth slammed into his, immersing him in a kiss contrived of pure longing.

  Electricity shocked their systems, as it had in the dreamworld. Only, where before it was static charges dancing on their skin, now it was lightning bolts piercing deep, a hundred times more potent.

  Evelyn gasped. Compared to the dreamworld, everything was now sharper, more concentrated. The way Marrok tasted. His scent. The heat radiating off his frame. They were an impossibly addictive combination.

  She felt off-balanced. Drugged. Heat razed her body, setting her core ablaze and consuming her mind, driving her to a single purpose—to have her male inside her.

  Marrok pressed Evelyn’s back to the door, tearing and ripping her long skirt while she fumbled to undo his belt. An easy tug tore her underwear. Using his body to pin her, he lifted both of Evelyn’s arms above her head.

  He kept one of his hands on her wrists and used the other to free his cock from the confines of his trousers. His fingertips played with her folds, finding her saturated. She tried to angle her hips enough to take him further into her body, crying out in frustration when he instead removed them.

  “Even in reality, you’re so wet for me, so eager,” he praised, aligning the broad head of his shaft with her opening.

  “Always,” she panted. Her tongue pushed into the cavity of his mouth, seeking connection to his.

  “This will be fast,” Marrok warned before he plunged deep inside.

  His mate was so tight, so warm. She squeezed him with such delicious pressure he might never retreat from it. Every time they made love in the dreamworld had been perfect, better than anything he’d ever experienced. Marrok had trouble believing anything could have felt better. The reality was far superior.

  His demon reached for Evelyn, merging with her soul while Marrok drove inside her body. Her moans grew louder, spurring him to go faster. He sliced her shirt with his claws, exposing her firm breasts.

  Pinching and pulling at one of her nipples, he sent her over. Her climax was hard and fast, matching his rhythm. Her wide eyes held his, luscious lips parted in a silent scream.

  The sight of his mate’s face shrouded with ecstasy from what he was doing prompted a severe tingling at the base of his spine. Instead of fighting it, he pistoned himself in and out at demon-fast speed, craving the release he could only get from his female.

  Marrok erupted inside her channel, groaning Evelyn’s name. His hips continued working, prolonging both their releases. He let go of her arms and they dropped to his shoulders in a loose embrace.

  He spun them towards the bed, carefully lowering Evelyn to her back. Slowly, he withdrew. He removed her boots and stockings, then peeled away the remaining rags of her clothing.

  Marrok stroked and kissed her skin as each mouthwatering inch of bronzed flesh was revealed. He wanted to touch as much of her as he could, from the top of her head down to her sexy little toes.

  For two years, one of them would disappear shortly after their erotic sessions. This would be the first time he could hang on to her, to sleep beside her. He wanted to be gentle but the urge to take her ruthlessly was rising again.

  Once she was completely bare, Marrok stood, taking in his fill of her supine form. Evelyn started to close her legs and he pushed her knees apart.

  “No, I want to see you like this. I want to see what’s mine.”

  His bold little mate spread her legs for him. Marrok’s fiery eyes held hers, then dropped lowe
r. He stared at her cleft as he removed his own clothing. Their mixed fluids glistened on her mound and he growled in male satisfaction.

  Unable to resist, he lowered himself to taste her honied elixir. His tongue stroked her sensitive skin and he hummed his approval.

  “Nothing tastes like you, moj draga. Nothing. I’ll never get my fill.”

  Evelyn’s hands went to his hair, pulling as she ground her hips into his face. His demon chuckled, loving her ardor. He sucked on her swollen pearl and she whimpered.

  “Look at me.”

  Evelyn opened her eyes.

  “Say my name when you come,” his demon voice demanded, allowing its magic out.

  Marrok pulled her hardened nub between his teeth and licked at it with the tip of his tongue. His thumb fondled her entrance, teasing her. He rubbed small circles and massaged her to orgasm.

  “M-Marrok!” she shouted as she flew apart, undulating so frantically he had to hold her down by her thighs.

  Once Evelyn’s spasming slowed, Marrok climbed onto the bed and entered her slowly. The electric feel between them hadn’t diminished in the slightest.

  Marrok unsheathed a single claw. Drawing it across his lower lip, as he had done two years ago in a dream. The shallow cut’s sting only added to his desire to taste her blood again.

  Evelyn watched, mesmerized by the drops of Marrok’s dark blood beading on his mouth. It smelled like he tasted, like earthen spice. Before he dropped his hand, Evelyn grabbed his finger and used his claw to slice her own lip.

  “Careful,” he chastised, jerking his hand away.

  Evelyn ignored him. She fisted her hands in his inky mane of silk and yanked his face to hers. Their lifeblood blended, their powers fused. Rays of light flooded the room from some unknown source, thickening the air with tension and electric power.

  “Ah, Goddess,” Marrok gnashed, fighting an overwhelming desire to pierce her flesh with his small fangs. He withdrew and flipped her over to her hands and knees, quickly plunging back inside.

  The sound of flesh slapping on flesh echoed in the room. Evelyn mewled and pushed back against him, meeting him thrust for thrust. It was too much. He was going to break her and she was going to love every moment of it.