The Demon King's Destiny Read online

Page 6

  “I think you didn’t call for me because I haven’t seen you in almost two and a half years, Evelyn.”

  A thrill shot through her. Marrok really was upset about being away from her. He must have missed her greatly. “I’ll remind you I have no idea how you come to me in my dreams. Besides, I thought demons could break into the dreams of others, if they chose.”

  His arms crossed, not liking the reminder. He, too, had tried everything he knew of to enter her dreamworld. For more than two years he’d desperately hunted her in his sleep, needing the touch of her skin to sooth his mind. With every attempt, he came up against a barrier he could not breach.

  He’d come close to riding into Gwydion to retrieve her. When he’d last left, she’d been battered and bruised. He wanted to know of her health, to look upon her with his own eyes. The dreamworld was the only safe place to do so.

  Several more attempts had been made by the rogues to breach the walls of the Terenuskit Fortress, the building he called home. Only the constant fighting kept him away from his mate. It reinforced the fact she would not be safe in Sundari.

  Marrok was the strongest of his species. It was too risky for him to travel to the Westland and leave his people vulnerable. Or, worse, risk rogue demons following him. He was loath to bring her to the Southland. What was he to do? He felt like he was fighting on every front of his existence.

  Evelyn licked her lips and he fixated on the reddened skin. He hadn’t intended to be so rough and he certainly hadn’t expected her to return with equal fervor. His trousers had grown uncomfortably tight, a direct result of her enthusiasm.

  “If it means anything,” she said, “I did try reaching out to you. I’ve tried every night since. I was afraid you wouldn’t come for me so I tried to pull you here. I thought … I was afraid something had happened to you. They cut you.” Her voice whispered the last part sadly.

  Marrok lost some of the fight in him. His mate had worried he’d been harmed. He reached for Evelyn and she didn’t resist his embrace.

  Resting his chin atop her head, he told her, “I tried, as well. Dreamwalking is tricky business and, obviously, I was just as unsuccessful.”

  “Why didn’t you come for me? To Gwydion?”

  “My kingdom is not a safe place to be. I’m not inclined to endanger you.”

  “Then don’t bring me to Sundari. You can still come to see me, to visit, maybe speak to my father?” she added hopefully.

  Marrok exhaled. “Walk with me.”

  He spoke with no emotion and Evelyn’s heart plummeted. He wasn’t going to come for her.

  Chapter 6

  Marrok’s hand drifted to Evelyn’s as he released her from his arms. He tugged her alongside and started strolling the tree line.

  The little zaps of power flowing through their touch were stronger than the last time, but not as strong as they would be if they were together when awake.

  He held up their joined hands. “Do you feel this?”

  “Yes. When our skin meets, it’s like our energies increase tenfold at the point of contact.”

  “Exactly. This is us touching without truly touching. We are in the dreamworld, Evelyn. We are not actually together. Things are muted here. Subdued.”


  “What do you mean hmm?”

  “I thought things were rather exhilarating back there.”

  “You would if you’d never been handled as such.”

  “Handled?” she sniffed, trying to extricate her hand. “Wonderful. I suppose it wasn’t quite as earth-shattering for you as it was for me.”

  Marrok refused to let go, amused by her defiance. “Let me clarify. What we just shared? It was powerful. Exhilarating. Life-altering. As awe-inspiring as it was, it was only a fraction of what we would feel if my skin came into contact with yours outside of a dream.”

  “Oh,” her brows drew close then quickly lifted towards her hairline. “Oh.”

  “Yes. Oh,” he mimicked her voice and she laughed. His demon chuckled, liking the sound.

  “Well, that certainly makes shaking hands a complicated task when first meeting your saatus.”

  “It does, indeed.”

  “Is it always like that? Every time mates touch?”

  “No. The first contact sparks what we call the bjesnilo—the mating frenzy. It lasts as long as it takes to complete the bond.”

  “How do you complete the bond?”

  His incisors, smaller than a vampire’s, but larger than an elemental’s, stretched. “First is to simply touch. Initially, it does something to connect our spirits on a superficial level. Sometimes mates feel each other’s emotions even when they are apart.”

  “Yes, I’ve felt a few moments of your anger.”

  Marrok stopped walking, staring down at her. “You shouldn’t have been able to. By superficial, I meant when we touch, my spirit calms in reaction to yours and you can pick up on it. How do you know you were sensing my emotions and not your own?”

  Evelyn shrugged. “I just know. The first time was the night you were cut. Not very long after you awoke, I did, too. I nearly went blind with the rage coursing through me. Instinct told me it was yours. I assumed you were about to tan the hide of whomever cut your arm.”

  The image of coming upon his long-dead wife’s shattered tomb flashed in his mind. Evelyn squeezed his hand.

  “I just felt it again. Should I not have told you?”

  “No, you will always tell me the truth, whether or not I want to hear it.”

  Evelyn nodded and squeezed his hand again. She sensed he wasn’t prepared to talk about whatever it was that had ignited his fury.

  “What happens after the initial touch?” she asked.


  Evelyn coughed and Marrok smirked. “Mating frenzy,” he clarified. “It spurs the drive to couple.”

  “So, intercourse completes the bond?”

  “No, an exchange of blood will complete the bond. Some argue the consumption of blood is more palatable when in the throes of passion, so the powers that be added in the irresistible draw between mates to make sure it is carried out.”

  Marrok’s earlier anger was now long gone, replaced with something far more tantalizing. He licked his teeth, imagining himself driving into his mate’s heat as he consumed her lifeblood.

  “I’m thinking I wouldn’t have to be buried inside you to desire a taste.”

  Evelyn swallowed. Her nipples pebbled and her center turned warm again. No male had ever spoken so crassly to her before. She liked it.

  “You’re very direct,” she told him.

  His nostrils flared, filled with the sweet aroma of Evelyn’s arousal. His mate liked his directness, which was fitting since he thoroughly enjoyed hers.

  “And you aren’t?” he returned. “I seem to recall being accused of being a drunkard ten seconds into our first real conversation.”

  “That was over four years ago.”

  “And yet I remember it as if it was yesterday.”

  Marrok allowed his magics back into his voice. Holding them back every time they spoke was tiresome. He watched intently as her skin flushed, heating as though he was stroking her.

  “You’re doing it again. Your voice, it’s doing something to me.”

  “It is my nature. I am a demon, Evelyn.”

  “This happens when you’re around others? Around other females?” A heavy dose of jealousy rankled her senses, thinking of the she-demons on the receiving end of his demonic tone.

  “Of course, but demons don’t feel it quite the same. It affects mates differently—to a saatus it can be highly arousing. To demons who are not mates, it’s more like a pleasant tone of voice conveying friendliness. It also helps get other beings to, shall we say, do business with us?”

  “You compel others during business transactions?”

  “No. It just makes us more likeable. Compulsion, true compulsion where one’s will is taken, takes an immense amount of power. Few have such an

  “I’ve heard rumors of demons amassing power.”

  His pupils expanded. “From whom?”

  “My father. Before you ask, I don’t know where he gets his information. Most likely, it came from Theron.”

  Meddling priest, Marrok grumbled to himself.

  “I’m guessing it’s related to your statement of the Southland not being safe?” she guessed.

  “You’d be correct.”

  Evelyn looked towards her feet, her mouth twisting. Then she met his gaze and asked, “Are you planning to come for me? Ever?”

  “If it was safe, you would be asleep in our bed this night.”

  Our. He’d said our bed and Evelyn’s pulse spiked.

  Marrok cupped her face. “My mate likes this idea.”

  “She does. So she will demand you make it safe for her. Immediately.”

  Marrok howled with laughter at her command. His little saatus, as innocent as a spring flower, was demanding access to his bed. His demon pressed forward. We will give her this, then we can have her. Forever.

  He wanted to assure her it would be done, but he wouldn’t lie to her. “I’m doing my best, moj draga.”

  Evelyn’s mouth turned down at the hint of sadness in his voice. Things must be truly grave in Sundari.

  “I believe you.”

  Evelyn lifted her hands to his chest. Bravely. Confidently. Pretending she was both. “I don’t want to wait another two years to see you.”

  Marrok tilted his head. His hands lowered to her sides. “As I stated earlier, never again.”

  “If you cannot come for me, what do we do?”

  “We could try to complete the blood bond. It probably won’t be the same as if we were awake, but it might connect us on this plane, making it easier for me to enter your dreams or for you to summon me.”

  “You mean …” Her eyes grew big.

  “Blood exchange,” he said at the same time she asked, “Sex?”

  His muscles flexed with restraint. The temptation to rip off her dress and take her on the ground was great. Already, her arousal taunted both he and his demon.

  He could easily seduce her, but his saatus deserved more from him than a tumble on the grass when they hadn’t seen one another in two years. Handing him her innocence, even in the dreamworld, was something he should cherish.

  “I’m not sure you’re ready for both, little mate. Let’s start with one then we’ll see about the other.”

  “It wasn’t an offer, Demon.”

  His body shook and he didn’t know if he wanted to laugh or take her mouth again and force her to be quiet.

  “Very well.” He removed one hand from her side and unsheathed a claw.

  Evelyn eyed it warily. “You’re not going to bite me on the neck or something?”

  Marrok shook his head. Slowly, seductively, he slid the talon across his lower lip. His dark blood welled to the surface. Evelyn could smell a hint of savory spice and her mouth watered. It should have repelled her, but she found herself leaning towards him.

  “Kiss me, Evelyn.”

  “What about—”

  He cut her off by pressing his mouth to hers. He felt the moment her body relaxed into his and her lips parted to receive his blood kiss. Languidly, his tongue brushed hers before retreating. She chased it with her own, licking at the blood on his bottom lip.

  Evelyn sighed, the tangy flavor of his essence was heaven on her tongue. She dipped further into his mouth and accidentally nicked the tip on one of his small fangs hard enough to draw blood.

  When their lifeblood mixed, her heart stopped, gripped by the shared power. She felt the presence of another, felt it reach into her chest and draw out her soul.

  Marrok felt her panic and shifted his hand to her breast, stroking her hardened nipple through the fabric of her shirt, distracting her back into their kiss and increasing her pulse. His cock strained to be freed but he made no further advance. He would not take her fully. Not yet.

  His demon spirit lovingly tasted her soul, connecting them further but not fully merging. He’d been right about things being subdued on this plane. Still, the kiss was explosive and he worried what would happen if and when they really touched.

  Evelyn arched into Marrok’s hand, fevered with desire. She rubbed her lower body against his thigh, seeking relief. She felt his other hand drop to her behind and clutch her closer. His mouth drifted to her ear, forcing goosebumps upon her flesh.

  “Do you want me to touch you, Evelyn?”

  “You are touching me.” Oh, how he was touching her! Her backside. Her breast. Her core was pressed tight to his thigh. She could feel his erection against her belly and for a second she wished she was taller.

  “No, little mate. Do you want me to touch you?” His hand abandoned her breast and his knuckles brushed the sensitive apex of her thighs. “Here?” Even through her clothing he could feel the heat of her skin.

  “Y-yes,” Evelyn whimpered. Everything in her wanted his touch.

  Marrok took her mouth again while simultaneously pulling up the bottom of her long skirt. Normally, he would command her to do it. Either that or destroy the garment.

  He wasn’t known for his patience. Yet he believed Evelyn’s lack of experience warranted his seduction. He’d never been with a virgin and he wanted to make sure she was prepared. He would give her whatever she needed, and he would teach her to ask for what she wanted.

  He used their bodies to pin the material between them before slowly gliding his fingers along the skin of her leg. He inched leisurely across to her inner thigh, then up.

  His fingers touched lace and he thought he’d spend in his trousers. He wanted to drop to his knees and see her underthings. His demon agreed wholeheartedly and Marrok threw him back in his cage.

  This was about Evelyn, not about him. Tonight, she’d not be teased. She would be rewarded for her acceptance of their bond.

  Marrok cupped her center and her hips jerked. He pressed harder and she did it again. Goddess above, she was responsive.

  “Please,” she breathed into his mouth. Her thoughts were muddled, her only focus was soothing the growing ache between her thighs.

  Evelyn’s plea was more than he could stand. Marrok used a claw with delicate precision to tear apart the lace. He yanked it from her hips and hastily stuffed it in his pocket. Now that he had full access, he retracted his claws and used his middle finger to stroke her folds.

  His mate was wet. For him. He shifted and ground his erection into her upper hip.

  He stroked her folds again and then circled her hardened nub. Evelyn’s sharp intake told him all he needed to know, giving away exactly how and where she wanted him most. He repeated the action. Once, twice, three times.

  Her body started to tremble and he increased the speed of his hand’s movements. When his finger dipped inside and his thumb pressed on her clitoris, Evelyn broke the kiss and bit into his pectoral. Her muffled yell vibrated across his chest.

  Marrok secured her to him with his left arm while his right hand worked to draw out her orgasm. He could feel her spasms against his fingertips and he longed to feel them while he thrust between her legs.

  Soon, his demon promised.

  She was still coming when she dissolved in his arms, sighing his name.

  * * *

  Evelyn came to, panting and gripping her sheets tightly. Her body was still pulsing from her pleasure, the phantom touch of her male a whisper upon her skin.

  She slid her hand down to cover her mound, trying in vain to duplicate the contact. She couldn’t.

  She also couldn’t feel her underwear.

  * * *

  Marrok awoke to the sound of his own shouts as he stroked his shaft to completion. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d touched himself and been so sensitive.

  Breathless, he looked down at the mess he’d made and frowned. Wrapped around his cock, covered in his semen, was a swatch of torn white lace.

  Chapter 7<
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  She was hot. Too hot. Though she’d found release at the hands of her handsome male, Evelyn was having difficulty cooling off. If anything, she hungered for more.

  She’d removed her nightgown and turned down all the bedding aside from the sheet. She liked the feel of the cool material upon her skin. She even rose to open the window, hoping for a draft of fresh air.

  For the past hour, she had been replaying the dream, reliving every moment. She’d gone as far as attempting to reenact it with her own hand this time. Her attempts were clumsy and unsatisfactory.

  Evelyn had never brought herself to climax before. Nothing in her education on intercourse had prepared her for the sensations Marrok had wrought in her dream. No, she’d been informed many females found coupling to be satisfactory or pleasant.

  A full belly was satisfactory. Eating a half-stale pastry could be pleasant. There was no word for what Marrok made her feel. Consumed? Frenzied?

  Wanton. Yes, that was a better word. Her lust had obliterated any sense of propriety she may have possessed. Marrok, like most males, she supposed, didn’t mind her licentious behavior.

  Goddess, how she fixated on that demon. She needed to think of something else. She was starting to obsess and she’d never get back to sleep if she didn’t unwind.

  Giving up on the sheet, she tugged it off and turned to her side. The muted light from the full moon had crept further across her floor since she’d awoken and opened the window.

  She watched the rays, picturing the soft colors of her dreamworld’s moon. Gradually, Evelyn’s fixation slackened, staring at the light. Her body started to relax and she felt the first tendrils of sleep wrap around her.

  She drifted, floating in nothingness. She waited to be planted in the clearing. Her body jolted forward and she felt like she was flying.

  The blackness gave way to something down below. She was zooming towards it. As she drew closer, she could make out the top of a building sitting next to a clearing. Just beyond was a huge expanse of forest, and she was headed right for it at break-neck speed.