The Demon King's Destiny Read online

Page 25

  “And they misinterpreted what it meant,” Marrok mused.

  “Wait, so why all the problems? Everyone has suffered in some way,” Evelyn’s eyes lifted to Theron.

  “Fate had to get your attention. Kellan, why did you seek out a bride of Gwydion?”

  “For help with the forest.”

  “Yes, and that one decision led him to his mate, then put Nora’s life in danger, which is why Edward brought Eden and Evelyn here. Viktor, why did you come here to the temple that day?”

  “For help with the lack of matings and nonexistent birth rate. Instead, I found Eden.”

  Theron gestured to Marrok. “You may have met Evelyn in the dreamworld, but no matter what you decided about your saatus, you would have come to the temple. Why?”

  “I needed help with the rogues,” he ran a hand through his hair. “It seems so obvious now.”

  Theron shrugged. “None of it was certain. Each of you still had to make choices. Fate just set the stage.”

  “Yes, and you conveniently pushed us out onto it,” Evelyn griped.

  “My help only got you so far. All of you had to choose your path, to open your hearts. Matehood doesn’t guarantee love on both sides.”

  Marrok squeezed Evelyn’s hand. Yawning, she squeezed back.

  “I think we need to let Evelyn rest,” Marrok spoke to the others, but his attention was on her.

  When Nora and Eden stepped in Evelyn’s direction, their father stopped them, glancing over his shoulder back at his middle child. “You can visit with her later. Let’s give them some time alone.”

  Kellan and Viktor escorted their mates away and Theron followed close behind. Edward limped to the foot of Evelyn’s bed, not quite healed from his attack.

  “I’m sorry, Evie. If I’d been able to prevent this,” he motioned to the bed she was in, “I would have. Of you three girls, however, I will say you’d be the one I knew would not only survive it, but would eliminate whomever dared to cause you harm.”


  “Really. You’re the most blood-thirsty of the lot and that’s saying something. I’ve seen what you girls have done to the training equipment. I’ve also seen Jasper after you’ve kicked his arse. Bully for you, young lady.”

  Evelyn beamed, thankful Marrok had taken the pain from her face so she didn’t cringe.

  “I’ll leave you two to rest,” Edward inclined his head and exited the infirmary.

  “Scoot over, little mate and I’ll hold you while you sleep.”

  Evelyn shifted and allowed Marrok to pull her into the curve of his body. She easily slipped into a healing sleep, thinking of all the things she wanted to do to him when she was up to it.

  Chapter 32

  Evelyn snuggled closer to the heat behind her. A band tightened around her midsection and she sighed contentedly.

  “Open your eyes, moj draga.”

  She lifted her lids and her world was filled with soft purples and blues. Lanterns swung in the breeze, hanging from the trees above. They’d landed on their love nest instead of in the meadow.

  “Well, this is new,” she remarked.

  Marrok kissed her neck. “Were you thinking about lying with me in bed, little mate? When you fell asleep?”


  His hot breath puffed across the skin where he’d kissed her. Goosebumps broke out on her flesh. Her naked flesh.

  “Were you?” she asked.

  “Without a doubt.”

  She started to turn and he held her in place.

  “How do you feel? Does your chest hurt?”

  Evelyn didn’t answer.


  “I don’t want to lie to you.”

  “Good. Don’t”

  She rolled her eyes, even though he couldn’t see it. “Yes, it’s still painful. My hand is still weak. Though I don’t feel the pain in my fingers or from the damage to my face. I can feel the swelling in both. My sternum is sore. I’m a mess, but I don’t want to tell you because then you won’t touch me.

  “You want me to touch you?” he nipped her earlobe.




  Marrok laughed. His fingertips drifted to just under her left breast. “Tell me if I aggravate the wound.”

  Evelyn held her breath, shocked he was actually going to give in. She’d tried last night in the infirmary and he’d steadfastly refused. He’d even had Theron give her a concoction to put her in a dreamless sleep so she could rest.

  His palm coasted upwards until he palmed her breast. Soothingly, he flexed his fingers and relaxed them, repetitively.

  “Tease,” she jested.

  “Careful, mate. I’m keeping track of your infractions, which we’ll address when you’re better. I, for one, am looking forward to the spankings you’ve earned.”

  “Tease,” she repeated and he laughed.

  Evelyn needed more than a gentle massage. She wiggled her rear against the erection she felt behind her.

  “Don’t. This is about you and if you push me too far, I’ll stop.”

  Evelyn froze, not wanting him to stop.

  “That’s my good little mate,” he purred, sliding his hand down her abdomen. “Lift your leg over mine.”

  She hooked her right leg over his, spreading herself for his exploration. Marrok’s fingers traced the swell of her mound, pressing and teasing all around the edges of her sex.

  “Please, Marrok.”

  “I like it when you beg. Do it again.”

  “Please. Please touch me.”

  His middle finger dipped into her tight heat. “Here?”

  “Yes,” she panted.

  Marrok withdrew the digit and rubbed the sensitive nub at the top of her cleft. “What about here?”

  “Oh, yes!”

  “You’re so responsive. I like that, sweet Evelyn. I like that a lot.”

  He continued his sensual offensive, finding a rhythm that had her strung tight as a bow. Her hips rolled as Marrok dipped and rubbed, then repeated. He never lingered in one spot for long, building her desire until she dug her nails into his forearm.

  “Say my name when you come.”

  Marrok thrust his finger in and out, using his palm to continue pressure on her knot of pleasure. He felt her muscles contract and she gasped.

  “Say it,” he gritted between his teeth.

  “Marrok!” she shouted as her climax hit and she rode the waves of pleasure.

  Marrok watched his mate come apart in his arms. Each time was spectacular, more beautiful than the last. Once she relaxed, he rolled her to her back to check her unbandaged wound.

  An angry, serrated scar was forming, marking the spot where the dagger had entered her chest. A few inches to the right and she wouldn’t have survived. Marrok bent and kissed the reddened skin, so thankful she made it back to him.

  It had been six days since the incident. With Theron’s help, the wound had progressed enough to close completely, though the ribs underneath were still repairing themselves. Movement wouldn’t harm her, but it would be painful and prolong her recovery.

  “What about you?” she bit her lip, invitingly. “You won’t hurt me.”

  “You’re right, I won’t. So we’ll wait. I’m thinking until our wedding night.”

  Evelyn gave him a withering look. “Are you joking?”

  “No. I need an incentive to get you down the aisle.”

  Evelyn dropped her eyes.

  “Hey, look at me.”

  She lifted her eyes again.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I don’t want a big wedding.”

  “I know. I wasn’t suggesting one. I just want to see you walk towards me.”

  Her lips flattened and his heart clenched. “I’m not saying this right. I think I never say it right.”

  Marrok sat up, scrubbing his face with his palms, thinking on his wording. “She didn’t walk down the aisle towards me.”

>   “What are you talking about?”

  “Melena. I know that memory bothers you. Big royal wedding. Bride coming down the aisle to her smitten groom? I’ve replayed it over and over and the more I do, the more I see how blind I was. She didn’t look at me. Not once. Her eyes were on the throne. She walked down the aisle to Brennen, under his command. I hadn’t been her choice.”

  Evelyn opened her mouth and he clamped his hand over it. “Let me finish.”

  “Okay,” her muffled voice tickled his palm and he pulled it away.

  “I want to be someone’s choice. I want to be your choice, Evelyn. I know you think she cared for me, and maybe she did. You’re right about how bleak her options were. Nevertheless, she didn’t choose me for me, and I have to live with that.”

  It didn’t hurt as much to admit aloud as he’d anticipated.

  “The more I think about it, the more I don’t really care what her reasons or motivations were. It happened and, while the truth of it did hurt me, it wasn’t as painful as it should have been, not if what we had was real.”

  “I’m sorry, Marrok.”

  “Hold that thought,” he said. “I have to tell you I think you were right. I have to forgive her. Not because I can’t move on if I don’t. I have to forgive her because her actions led me to you. Hell, I should probably be kneeling at her tomb and thanking her for the gift she’s given me.”

  Evelyn grinned shyly. He thought she was a gift.

  “I understand your aversion to the idea of an actual wedding, but I would like one. Walk to me down an aisle. Choose me. It can be small, just us and your family. I only want to have this one thing from you. To make our own memory.”

  “You’re really quite romantic, you know that?”

  “Don’t tell Danil or I’ll never hear the end of it.”

  Evelyn shook her head, chuckling, as Marrok slid back down beside her. “Please?”

  “Did you just ask nicely?”

  “I did.”

  “Then how can I possibly say no?”

  Marrok took her mouth hungrily, his tongue demanding entrance. He stole her breath as she stole his. He broke the kiss and nuzzled her cheek.

  “Could you repeat all of that because I wasn’t really paying attention?” she asked innocently.

  Evelyn watched Marrok. It took him a second to catch on to her devious jest. A roguish grin slowly broke across his face.

  “Oh, little mate. You just keep adding to the infractions, don’t you?”

  “I think I recall you saying you were looking forward to spanking me?”

  “I did say that, yes.”

  “Then it’s a good thing I love you enough to give you want you want.”

  His nose skimmed her temple and down to her jawline. “Say it again,” he whispered.

  “I love you.”

  “And I love you, moj draga. For all time.”


  Theron watched Evelyn dance with her new husband. She was glowing with happiness and something else she hadn’t yet shared. Perhaps she didn’t know.

  Nora’s small bump could no longer be hidden, though she wasn’t much further along than Evelyn. Wolves gestated rather quickly.

  Eden’s belly was obviously round with child, the first of her sisters to become pregnant. He wondered how Viktor would react when he found out his mate was carrying twins.

  Three sisters would be birthing four babes in the coming year. Four tiny, but powerful younglings to lead Imperium into its golden age. It was imperative there were four to herald the new era.

  “You’ve been meddling, Theron,” the musically accented voice accused him from behind.

  And you haven’t? he wanted to reply. Wisely, he held his tongue.

  Lowering his head, he turned towards the Goddess and bowed. He’d never been physically able to look at her directly. No being had ever described her face because they couldn’t.

  He’d only ever seen the flowing silver material of her dress and the cream color of the skin on her hands. When he pictured her, he imaged a female with the combined attributes of Edward’s daughters.

  “Nothing to say to that?” she asked.

  “What can I say? There’s no denying it.”

  The Goddess kept her attention on the smiling couple as they twirled around the garden at their small wedding feast.

  “You’ll have to die for the marks to be transferred,” she warned.

  “I know.”

  “Do you intend to?”


  “Mark their young as heirs.”

  “We’ll see how things progress, the choices they make as they grow.”

  They stood shoulder to shoulder, watching the wedding party. It was all that was good in this life.

  “You could always give them the choice,” she suggested.

  “Yes, and that turned out so well these last thousand years.”

  “Careful, priest. The Sephtis Kenelm were meant to be the custodians of Imperium, to reign in those who would topple the others, to ensure peace and balance. It is a heavy burden to choose who lives and who dies for the sake of all. I refused to force it upon them so I gave them a choice.”

  “You do so love your free will. Tell me, what happened to the first worthy souls you offered to mark?”

  “They refused.”

  “Interesting.” As well as unsurprising. Such beings would never hunger for power or assume they should control Imperium’s future. Only the easily corrupted would crave the position.

  She shrugged. “I still think you should give them the choice.”

  Theron scratched at the skin over his heart where four lines of black swirling script now existed.

  “I’m curious, priest, how did you get them—all of them—to make you their heir?”

  Theron was one of her few blind spots. He had to be if he was to control the power of Sanctus Femina and wield it freely. Even she had rules she had to follow.

  “I didn’t. Not directly. I found their heirs and requested these heirs take a blood oath to make me second in line. Then I ensured I was first in line immediately after the pledge was sealed with our powers. As soon as Mara, Bogdan, Agatha, and Dmitri each took their last breaths, the marks appeared, one by one.”

  The Goddess laughed. He just confessed to killing four beings and she laughed.

  “So you skirted direct influence. You cunning fox. I knew you could do it. I couldn’t see how, only that you would fix my little problem. Well done.”

  Theron frowned and she laughed again.

  “I’ll anxiously wait to see what happens next, Theron,” she told him and started down the stairs towards the feast.

  “Where are you going?”

  “I think it’s time to see about the King of Gwydion. Don’t you?”

  Theron took off after her and she disappeared in a wisp of smoke, her tinkling laugh carried on the breeze. Standing there, stroking his beard, he debated interfering with Edward. He was the only king in the land without a mate.

  He sighed and walked back up the steps, returning to his spot to watch the revelry below. He would leave it alone.

  After all, the Goddess of Fate could be fought, but She would always win.

  The End

  Continue reading for a sneak peek at Shadow’s Lyric.

  Note From Author

  Thank you so much for reading The Demon King’s Destiny! It’s the final book in my Fate of Imperium Series, though I am tempted to write a few of the side characters’ stories. We’ll see …

  This series is my first attempt at writing something where humor is not the star of the show. There are snippets, of course, but it’s not my usual in-your-face nonsense. This is one of the reasons I released it under a different name.

  If you’re new to my work, the bulk of my publications are penned under the Cass Alexander moniker. It’s the name I use when I’m feeling the funny—which has been every moment of my life until this series.

  Right now I’m working on anot
her novel titled, Shadow’s Lyric. It’s more modernized than what you’ve just read, complete with a kickass heroine and lots of bad words. Evelyn inspired this new character, for sure. Keep turning the pages for a sneak peek.

  If you’re interested in receiving notifications for new releases, or joining my team of ARC readers, or just seeing what sort of nonsense I put out into the universe, you can follow my blog (link below).

  Lastly, if you enjoyed the book, please, please, please leave a review. Reviews are an author’s lifeblood. Much obliged!

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  Excerpt from Shadow’s Lyric.

  Choices. We all had them. Even when life seemed to give us none, there was always a choice.

  It was simply a matter of having the cajones to choose a path and follow through, consequences be damned.

  I looked down at the pill in my left hand, then to the blade in my right. Hmm. Death by drug, or death by dagger?

  My eyes raised to the asshole standing across the forest floor. One amazingly good-looking shithead warrior here to take my life. He wasn’t the first to try, but I could choose to make sure he was the last.

  Decisions, decisions.

  Trust your instincts, Gregor had said. Well, color me stupid, but no thank you. My instincts were telling me to run straight into the giant male’s arms and climb him like a spider monkey.

  Maybe lick him on the way up. I could think of worse ways to die.

  Damnit. Even now I was feeling like a dirty, dirty girl. Obviously, my instincts were caput and my impulse control mechanism was malfunctioning.

  Fuck it. I was exhausted, and this needed to end.