The Demon King's Destiny Read online

Page 11


  “Don’t fight me,” she told him forcefully, pushing him back with his hands.

  How could he refuse his mate? Kneeling in front of her, Marrok unbuttoned his shirt and slid it off. He didn’t dare remove his pants.

  Evelyn moved to her knees, mirroring his pose. She licked her lips, bringing her hands to his pectorals, surprised he had no chest hair. She journeyed down his arms, over the curves and dips of his muscles, then came back to his chest.

  His nipples were much darker than hers, a dusky brown, several shades darker than his tanned skin. She wondered if they were sensitive like hers.

  “I want to try something,” she said.

  His mouth felt dry when he replied, “Go ahead.”

  Evelyn leaned in and kissed the bronze skin on his chest. She allowed her tongue to peek out and circle his nipple. Imitating his earlier actions, she secured her mouth around it and sucked, having learned she liked it when he did the same.

  Marrok grunted and she sucked harder. His hands fisted in her dark red locks, tilting her so he could take her mouth again. Her kiss alone was almost enough to do him in. He jerked her head with another tug, searching her eyes. One iris glowing, like his were sure to be.

  “I wasn’t done exploring,” she complained.

  “I’m not sure I can take much more, Evelyn.”

  “You don’t want me to explore?”

  “I don’t want you to start something I’m not sure you can finish, not when I’m this close.”

  She wants us, his demon hissed. Let her have us.

  “Something I can’t finish?”

  “I’m a razor’s edge from release, Evelyn. I don’t want to engage in something you’re not ready for, so I need to wake myself and take care of it.”

  Evelyn’s stare landed on the bulge at his crotch. Her mouth twisted, thinking. He was obviously turned on. She wanted to make him feel as good as he’d made her feel.

  “You believe I’m not prepared to … repay in kind?”

  “I have no expectation for you to do anything you’re not ready to do, Evelyn.” His fingers brushed her cheek. “We can go as slow as you need.”

  Evelyn’s heart thumped hard. Her big, dark, warrior was giving her time, time he felt she needed.

  “So, by going as slow as I need, can we go also go as fast as I need?”

  Marrok’s brow slanted. “As fast as you need?”

  “Yes. I believe I told you I wasn’t done exploring. I would like to continue. That’s what I need from you right now.”

  “Evelyn, I love you touching me, but—”

  “No, Marrok. Do you think I don’t crave you just as much? I want to touch you, Marrok. To give you as much pleasure as you’ve given me. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

  Marrok sucked in a breath. Surely, she wasn’t saying she wanted to reciprocate in the same manner. Was she? His erection jerked, thinking of how it would feel to have her mouth on him.

  Evelyn could sense the excitement she’d elicited in her demon. She saw the moment he made his decision. His hungry look told her he was hers.

  “Undo my pants, Evelyn.”

  Evelyn’s blood spiked with eagerness. She was surprised her hands weren’t shaking after she popped the first button and got a peek of the dark hair underneath. She had trouble undoing the next.

  His trousers were stretched so tight she was afraid to pull on the fabric. Carefully, she undid the next two, catching a glimpse of darkened skin under his curls. By the time she got the last button undone, his hands were in her hair again.

  Evelyn pulled and tugged the material until his erection sprang free. Her eyes were glued to it, fascinated. Curiosity had her hand wrapping around him, giving a little squeeze.

  His exhale came out hard and she looked up, worried she’d hurt him. She released him and he placed her hand back where it had been.

  “Don’t stop.”

  “Should I …?” she squeezed again instead of voicing her question.

  Though she and her sisters had been educated on sex, they’d not been taught what to do outside of coupling. Mara, their governess, had assured them their husbands would know what to do.

  “Like this,” he replied, laying his hand over hers and stroking up and down his length. After several strokes, he let go and put his hand in her hair again.

  “I want to try something,” she told him once more.

  “Anything. You can do anything,” he whispered, thrusting his hips slightly, meeting her strokes each time they reached the base of his cock.

  Evelyn bent and pressed her lips to the broad crown. His hands tightened, her hair threading between his fingers. She opened her mouth and licked.

  “Close your mouth around it, moj draga.”

  Trusting his direction, she did as Marrok asked. His taste was salted spice, similar to his scent. She hummed in satisfaction.

  Gently, he pushed further inside her mouth. A loud groan broke the silence and her skin heated, thrilled she could do to him what he did to her.

  She swirled her tongue, wanting more of his flavor. His hands fisted her hair and he held her head still. His shallow thrusts increased in speed and so she stroked him faster.

  “I’m close. If you don’t want me to spend in your mouth, pull away.”

  Evelyn refused to move. She wanted to taste all of him, to be the force to pull forth his seed. Her grip tightened and she felt him pulse in her hand. His molten essence surged into her mouth.

  “Ah, Goddess,” he sighed. “Swallow.”

  Evelyn had to swallow several times while Marrok peaked. He cried her name like a prayer to the heavens. Eventually he came down from his high and withdrew from her mouth.

  “Come here, little mate.”

  Evelyn went into his arms and he lowered their bodies to the blanket so they were facing each other. He brushed her lips with his then ran his cheek across hers.

  She noticed he made no attempt to cover his exposed manhood. She considered the merits of lying nude, skin to skin, with Marrok. Was she really so willing to take the next step?

  “What are you thinking, my sweet?” the deep timber of his voice cocooned her in warmth while his hand rubbed her back.


  “I can smell your new arousal. Need I remind you that you cannot lie to me?”

  “I was just picturing the future. I find I am rather impatient.”

  His hand paused. “Be patient with me, Evelyn. I’m fixing my world for you. It will take some time.”

  Her heart fluttered, feeling genuinely connected to him in this moment. Marrok was fighting a dangerous battle, fixing his world not just for his demons, but also for her.

  She prayed he could make it happen before she aged into an old crow. The mates of wolves, vampires, and demons, once fully bonded, could live as long as their other halves did.

  Evelyn had heard of a handful of Gwydions who had mated with demons. Allegedly, these elementals lived extremely long lives. Having shared blood in the dreamworld, she wasn’t sure her aging would be halted.

  She didn’t want to give power to her concern so she focused on the details of Marrok’s task. “Did you make any progress?” she asked.

  “We have had much success. Logistically, I mean. We have what we want in place and are beginning introductions.”


  “Not in the traditional sense. We’ll be providing exposure, allowing rogues to sense other demons, one by one. They’ll be in a containment space and be able to see the visiting demons as they pass by. If we bring enough of them together, we think there’s a good chance at mates finding one another.”

  Summons had gone out to unmated demons to appear in designated holding stations around the kingdom to begin these introductions. The idea was to expose each demon to as many other demons as they could, rogue or not. The more saatus bonds they could identify, the fewer demons who could fall prey to madness.

  With any luck, they�
�d be able to match rogues with their fated mates and start the healing process on site. Marrok knew this would take years, especially if a rogue demon’s saatus was very young or had yet to be born. At least it was a start.

  “And the rogues who find their mates will return to normal?”

  “That is my hope, yes. You’ll be happy to know Petr, one of my soldiers—a friend, actually—stumbled across his own saatus. I sent him to a village he would never have gone to otherwise. He was there to communicate my plan with the local magistrate, who happened to be female—and his mate.”

  Evelyn smiled. “That’s wonderful.”

  “It is. The first of many bonds, we hope.”

  Marrok explained some of what he and Favin had enacted, dividing Sundari into sections on a map and assigning those he trusted to command each sector. He’d spent too much time in the past trying to be everywhere at once. It was time to allocate his resources and move things along quickly.

  “I need to wake soon,” he told her, burying his head in her neck.

  “When will I see you again?”

  His tongue dipped into her ear and she squirmed, giggling.

  “Another month.”

  “I hate that it has to be so long.”

  “I know, but I need to sleep light when I’m not in the fortress. It’s difficult for anyone to wake me when I’m dreamwalking with you.”

  Brazenly, Evelyn reached down and took his hardened length in her hand. “Can’t you stay, just a little longer?”

  Marrok’s amber irises brightened to the point he could see the golden sheen reflecting off her hair. His response to Evelyn was so intense, he contemplated holding onto her as he woke, possibly pulling her into his bed.

  When she lovingly caressed him as he’d shown her how to do, he rolled atop her. “Maybe just a little longer.”

  Evelyn’s giggles died when Marrok slunk down lower and put his mouth to her center once more.

  Chapter 13

  One week later …

  “I cut off his hand and threw it at his head … that was after we all bet on the horses while they danced a jig.”

  Evelyn’s brow furrowed, finally looking at her younger sister. “What?”

  “You’re distracted.”

  “I was listening,” she lied.

  Nora’s story about the gathering in the dancehall the previous evening had been muted from Evelyn’s brain the moment they passed the boulders beside the stream. Everything about the outdoors now reminded her of Marrok. It had been a week and she was missing him terribly.


  “Of course.”

  “Then what did I just say?”

  “You held hands and danced a jig. Maybe rode a horse?”

  “Alright, you were half-listening,” Nora conceded. “Want to talk about it?”

  “Not particularly.”

  Nora debated how hard to press her sister. Evie was usually jovial company. Today she seemed almost sad.

  “Is this about Jasper?” she hedged.

  “No. Though, I wouldn’t mind going another round with him in the ring after the stunt he pulled last week.”

  “I can tell. Was it not enough you conveniently forgot to tell Flynn you’d left Jasper tied to a tree somewhere in the forest?”

  Evelyn smirked. “Not really.”

  “You’re diabolical.”

  Evelyn laughed. “Says the master decapitator.”

  “We’re a pair, aren’t we?”

  “I think Father would argue we’re quite the trio. Eden might appear put together, but she can be just as wicked, as my eyebrow can attest.”

  “True. At least it grew back.”

  When they crossed the small bridge over the stream, Nora dared to ask what she’d been meaning to for days. “Is this … sulking … because of the demon?”

  This got Evelyn’s attention. “What demon?”

  “The one in my vision.”

  Evelyn’s heart pounded. She worried for Marrok’s safety. His past was riddled with strife, his present not much better.

  If Nora had seen something befalling him, Evelyn would summon Marrok this very night and warn him.

  “The vision from two years ago? Or did you have another?” she probed.

  “No, no new visions. Only …”

  “Only what?”

  “I dreamt of him. With you.”

  Oh dear Goddess above, her cheeks flamed. Evelyn was almost afraid to ask. “Doing what?”

  “Dancing. Same as the vision, but this time I could see you more clearly. You looked happy. He, ah, was looking at you rather intensely. It was not a platonic sort of look, or the look of a stranger. I think the two of you were together. A couple, possibly.”

  The strain on Evelyn’s shoulders disappeared. A tiny jolt of excitement zapped her belly. It was unlikely Nora was having random dreams of Marrok. It had to be a vision of the future.

  “You don’t seem surprised, Evie. In fact, I think you look relieved.”

  “I am.”


  Evelyn wasn’t ready to share the details of her nocturnal life. She trusted Nora would keep her secret, as would Eden. She lacked the heart, however, to put her sisters in a position to keep a secret from their father, who would only worry, or worse, intervene.

  “Why wouldn’t I be relieved? Demons can be dangerous. If he was courting me, then I have nothing to worry about now.”

  Nora’s face said she wasn’t convinced. Evelyn blew out the breath she’d been holding when her sister shrugged and let the discussion die.

  * * *

  “Step forward, Melena.” Brennen’s voice echoed across the stone floor.

  Evelyn’s mouth tightened. She hated his voice, how he allowed his dark magics to scrape against others. Brennen was a plague on the demon kingdom.

  Her fingers itched, one thumb brushing against her scabbard. Her scabbard? She didn’t carry a sword. She quickly realized she was dreaming, inside Marrok’s head again, reliving his past.

  Had he thought to draw his weapon in this moment? Such would be suicide here in the hall. He stood to the left of the king’s throne, dozens of royal guards were positioned behind and to either side of Brennen. It looked like a room where the king would hold court or perform royal ceremonies.

  Hundreds of demons stood below. Rows and rows of black and white heads of hair turned to the back, following a figure moving up the aisle.

  A tall female moved forward, approaching the dais. Her silky white gown clung to her like a second skin. Evelyn couldn’t help but notice the swell of her bosom and curve of her hips.

  She’s stunning, Marrok’s thought whispered in her mind. Reluctantly, she had to agree with his reaction.

  Evelyn didn’t like the growing need within Marrok. He wanted to jump in front of the she-demon and shield her from Brennen.

  When the female reached the bottom step, she kneeled, bowing her head. Her long, black hair, fluid as water, fell forward. Marrok wanted to touch its softness. He wanted to touch other things, as well, and Evelyn had to fight to keep his ruminations at bay.

  She felt queasy. Why was she being forced to experience this part of his life? She didn’t want to relive his attraction to others, or his time with past lovers.

  “Well, then,” Brennen hummed. “Your father was right. You are quite spectacular. He’s boasted of your talents and beauty for so long I simply had to see for myself.”

  Marrok growled in Evelyn’s head.

  “Thank you, my lord,” Melena replied to the floor.

  “Where are my manners? Rise and let us gaze upon your splendor.”

  The female rose gracefully. Her bronzed skin stood out against the white of her dress. She held herself with poise, her movements regal.

  Her chin lifted, meeting Brennen’s stare with her large, almond eyes. They were the color of whiskey with sparkles of amber, shining like jewels on either side of her slender nose.

  Evelyn would have thought the she-demon co
mpletely unaffected if not for the slight blush growing on her cheeks, visible despite her tanned complexion.

  She could feel Marrok willing Melena to give nothing away. Brennen would prey on any weakness, any insecurity, and Marrok felt oddly protective of the female.

  “Nephew, allow me to present your gift.”

  Marrok’s head swiveled to Brennen. “Sire?”

  “She’s yours now.”

  “I’m not following.”

  “The Seer. Melena. She’s your gift.”

  Marrok’s eyes darted to Melena and Evelyn had no choice but to follow. The female didn’t show any sign of distress at being referred to as his gift. Marrok wondered if Melena had known she was being given away, like chattel.

  “You are giving me a Seer? For what purpose?”

  Brennen’s pupils dilated, covering his irises completely. His sarcastic grin sent tingles of warning up and down Marrok’s body.

  “You may use her for whatever purpose you choose, of course. Though, I know what I would do with her.”

  The King lasciviously licked his lips and Evelyn felt like gagging.

  Despite Brennen’s heinous insinuation, the tension fled Marrok’s muscles. Evelyn could feel the relief replace his anxiety. His thoughts became chaotic, too fast for her to follow. Focusing, she was able to latch onto several.

  Evelyn sensed his thankfulness that Brennen had no intention to use the female for his own purposes. Marrok also experienced confusion over why his uncle would want him to take on a Seer.

  His instant attraction to Melena excited him despite the dismay of knowing Melena wasn’t his saatus. Until this moment, no other female had stirred Marrok’s blood as Melena had.

  It was the last notion that sat heaviest on Evelyn’s chest, making her feel the need to claw her way out. She had no physical presence during these dreams. She was like a ghost inhabiting his body. She wanted out.

  Panicking, she struggled against the forces holding her there. She didn’t want to see what happened next. She wanted out of this dream, away from Marrok’s life in Brennen’s court. Straining and pulling, she silently screamed in anguish.

  She jolted awake, panting and trying to catch her breath. Tears streaked her face and she wiped them away, refusing to give in to her hurt.