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The Demon King's Destiny Page 10

  Even more, he basked in the calm she brought to his demon spirit. Centering him. Soothing him. Reminding him nothing else existed in this moment.

  The attachment he was forming to her was overwhelming. Each and every day, Marrok thought of his little mate constantly. Even when he was being attacked by rogues, she was there in the back of his mind, a reminder he must prevail.

  “I’ve missed you,” he admitted, rubbing his cheek along hers, as many demons did to show affection. Her small hands fisted the front of his shirt.

  “You hardly know me well enough to miss me,” she replied playfully, throwing his words from a month ago back at him without any real heat in her voice.

  Evelyn could feel the stretch of his grin against her face. Puffs of warm air tickled her ear with his chortle. He planted a chaste kiss to her temple and drew away. She bit her lip, staring into his darkened eyes, rimmed with bright amber.

  “Your keen memory could be problematic for my ability to remain in nothing less than your good graces.”

  “Then I suppose you’ll have to hold your tongue.”

  Marrok’s grin grew wider. “Cheeky female. I missed your playful barbs, as well.”

  Evelyn’s face warmed and her lips rounded over her teeth, a habit of her nervousness. He was in such a good mood, she hated to ruin it with what she needed to tell him.

  Her hands flattened against his chest, feeling the steady beat of his heart. Her eyes remained fixed on where her fingers pressed into the fabric of his shirt. Her hands flexed just before she pushed away. Marrok’s hold on her tightened and she went nowhere.

  “Why are you pulling away? I think I’d like to have you in my arms a little while longer.”

  “I need to tell you something. Personally, I don’t think it’s very important, but I think you might think it’s very important, especially after how you reacted the last time, so I told myself I would honor your need to be knowledgeable of my time away from you and—” her voice cut off when his fingers pinched her lips shut.

  Marrok couldn’t take her rambling, not after her lie scraped across his skin and stabbed at his psyche. Whatever she wanted to say was important to her in some way.

  Movement over her shoulder had his head snapping up, his spine going ramrod straight. He spun Evelyn behind him, shielding her from the threat who had snuck up on them. Fool! he cursed himself, thinking he should have told her to leave up the barrier.

  He could feel Evelyn try to move around him and he used both arms to keep her from being exposed. His blackened eyes stared down the figure across the way.

  The light-haired male appeared to be young, possibly not much older than Evelyn. Marrok perused his body for weapons and found none. He wasn’t even in an attacking position. In fact, the intruder stood in a relaxed pose, with his hands in his pockets.

  He couldn’t place why, but Marrok wanted to wipe the young male’s knowing smile right off his face. Preferably with his claws.

  The longer Marrok stared at the male, the less of a threat he knew him to be. Something about his form wasn’t quite right. He wasn’t a demon, so he couldn’t be dreamwalking. The green eyes gave him away as a being of Gwydion.

  Elementals couldn’t break into dreams. No, he was part of Evelyn’s subconscious, part of something on her mind. I need to tell you something. Yes, apparently she did.

  Lowering his arms, he finally allowed his mate to move. She remained close, brushing his arm as she shifted next to him.

  “This is Jasper, I presume?” he asked without looking away from the male.

  “How could you possibly know that?”

  “The only other time you’ve dared to not be truthful with me was when you spoke of him, the day he pushed you off the rocks.”

  “He didn’t push me.”

  “It doesn’t matter. It was his fault you fell.”

  Evelyn tilted her head and crossed her arms, looking dream Jasper up and down with contempt. Her animosity towards her alleged friend was still fresh. “You’re right.”

  Marrok glanced down and her. “About what? The fact you lied to me or the fact your injury was his fault?”

  “Both. Though, I don’t know that I lied. This time, I mean. Which part did you find untruthful?”

  “You do, personally, think it’s important. Whatever it is you’re getting ready to tell me is important to you.”

  “Huh. I didn’t realize I wasn’t being truthful. Maybe I just thought it wasn’t important enough for you to react how I knew you would react,” she admitted. “You can feel it even when it’s something I’m being dishonest about with myself?”



  “Istina nikad ne umire. The truth never dies. It’s not just a saying. It’s a demon gift—or curse, at times. Words hold power. Something about our magics can always discern truth from lie, no matter what the person speaking believes.”

  “I would think that would be very useful.”

  “It can be.”

  No longer concerned with Jasper, he turned to face Evelyn and she reflected his stance. “Now, stop evading and start talking. Then I’ll decide whether or not the male needs to die.”

  “I would laugh if I thought your weren’t serious.”

  “I am serious. Talk.”

  “Fine,” she conceded, just short of rolling her eyes.

  As succinctly as she could, Evelyn relayed what happened during her morning training session. By the time she finished, he’d gone so still she wasn’t sure he was breathing.


  Ignoring her inquest, Marrok approached Jasper, who was still standing there with his hands in his pockets and his irritating little grin plastered across his face. The harmless male reminded Marrok of a statue, lifelike, yet somehow eerie in its near-perfect imitation.

  Unfortunately for dream Jasper, he was the only place Marrok could put the rage roiling deep inside. Holding out both hands, he summoned two short swords. An evil sneer appeared as he took a moment to test the weight of his weapons. Then he attacked.

  Evelyn gasped when the two blades appeared out of thin air. Though she had conjured blankets and books a thousand times, she hadn’t been expecting the swords. A punch to Jasper’s face was a fitting penalty. Stabbing him seemed a bit much.

  “Marrok, don’t you think …” She trailed off, watching in awe when he spun almost too fast for her to follow his movements.

  He twirled and sliced, reminding her of a windmill gone out of control. His black hair swayed as gracefully as his actions.

  The blades slid through Jasper over and over and over again. Unlike in reality, the cuts did nothing but glide through his body as though he were made of smoke. Evelyn waited for Marrok to slow. He didn’t.

  The less he was able to harm Jasper, the more worked up Marrok became. His exertions came faster, he struck harder. He was within a hair of trying to break into Jasper’s dreams and inflict a great deal of pain. His demon spirit lunged forward and touched the apparition.

  Dream Jasper dissolved immediately, floating away in particles on the breeze. Marrok watched them drift until they were completely gone. If the two ever met, he feared he would react in the exact same manner.

  Out of breath, he drew air into his lungs, scrambling for some semblance of control before he dealt with his mate. Be calm, his demon warned. Marrok flung the swords to the ground and closed his eyes, concentrating on his inhalation. Once his pulse normalized, he turned to face Evelyn.

  She opened her mouth to speak and he raised a hand to cut her off. “Don’t.”

  Marrok sidled closer as he spoke. “You evaded him once and it damaged your face, but you evaded him. This time, you restrained him with your powers. Easily, yes?”

  Afraid to verbalize a response, Evelyn nodded.

  “Good. It is good your magics are strong. I like that your magics are strong. It makes me feel better when I know I cannot be with you in the way I want to be. While I’m out fighting to save Sundari, fight
ing to make it safe for you, I am comforted by the fact you can defend yourself. Unfortunately, you did not use your powers until he took something from you that belonged to only me.”

  Marrok was surprised by this acute bout of jealousy, of his excessive degree of possessiveness. He’d never felt such emotions with Melena, and she had meant the world to him. His mouth was working faster than his brain, yet he couldn’t find any untruth in his words.

  “We weren’t supposed to use our magic during training,” Evelyn told him.

  “I do not care. If you can keep him from touching you, you will. With whatever force is necessary. Am I making myself clear?”

  His tone aggravated her. “It’s not like I wanted him to do it, Marrok.”

  “No?” he taunted, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. “You weren’t in need of attention? Missing your male after I forced us to be apart for an entire month? No part of your body longed for contact with someone who could make you feel?”

  Evelyn uncrossed her arms, aghast he’d read her so effortlessly. Did he think her desperate? His accusation, though true, chafed.

  “I—I can’t help it! I was excited to see you. I go to sleep every night repeating the same thing, forcing myself not to call for you. This morning, I awoke happy, giddy even, knowing you would come to me tonight. Rejoicing in the fact I could see you. Touch you. I’ll admit I was aroused but it wasn’t because of Jasper. I’ve been that way since the moment you first touched me. So if you want to blame anyone for my hesitation, for my inability to think straight because I’m so desperate for your touch, then blame yourself!”

  His black eyes shrunk and bright amber glowed around the edges of his large pupils. This was how he looked each time he kissed her. Evelyn’s body pulsed in anticipation of his attentions.

  Marrok’s eyes roved her shape. Her hardened peaks pushed at the thin material covering the parts he most wanted to see. The alluring scent of her arousal was stronger than it ever had been. His plucky little mate had admitted she longed for him, needed his touch.

  “Give me your underwear,” he commanded.

  Evelyn’s breath hitched. “What?”

  “I’ll extract payment for your indiscretion. Now.”

  “You’re serious.”


  At her sides, Evelyn’s fingers clutched the silky sheath she had worn to bed. She hesitated and his lips pressed tight. She’d anticipated some sort of physical communion between them this night. This wasn’t what she’d envisioned.

  It was better. It was almost a dare. Yes, he’d demanded it of her, but he’d never take from her anything she wasn’t willing to give him. Evelyn trusted Marrok, trusted him enough to do as he wanted her to do.

  Marrok’s eyes blazed when Evelyn reached under her gown and tucked her thumbs into the sides of her under garment. She shimmied the flimsy fabric down, stepping out of the leg holes and bringing herself upright.

  Boldly, she’d kept her vision on his face the entire time. Then she promptly threw the underwear at his head.

  Lost in her look, he almost missed the lavender silk flying towards his face. He snatched it from the air, his demon chuckling at Evelyn’s impudence.

  “Now what?” she goaded, her core heating. She could feel the dampness between her legs, excited by his naughty game.

  “Now, tell me you missed me.”

  “I missed you.”

  Truth, his demon whispered, delighted by her admission. Marrok was pleased, as well. Stowing her silky underwear in his pocket, he conjured a thick blanket and several large pillows, spread out beside them.

  “Lie down, Evelyn.”

  Evelyn stepped onto the blanket and lowered herself to her knees. His cock flexed knowing he’d experience much from her in that position soon enough.

  She shifted to her bottom, trying to keep her lower half covered. Her legs stretched out before her and she held the hem of her gown as low as it could go before sinking back and resting her shoulders and head on one of the large pillows.

  Marrok dropped to his knees, beside her legs, rubbing the flesh from her ankle to her knee. Sparks of sensations emitted from her skin everyplace his fingers touched. His hand inched up, just under the nightgown and stopped.

  “You are so beautiful,” he whispered reverently.

  “Marrok,” her throaty reply died when he bent and took her mouth.

  He slid his body alongside hers, his hip next to her hip, his upper half leaning over her chest. Their tongues tangled and her fingers threaded his hair. Gone was his mate’s tentativeness. She was now comfortable in their kiss, almost demanding.

  His hand drifted atop her gown, sliding along her ribcage and settling on her breast. Her little moan encouraged him and he pinched her nipple through the fabric. Evelyn gasped and Marrok did it again.

  He released her tight peak and tugged her nightgown up. When she stiffened, Marrok pulled back enough to look at her.

  “Do you want me to stop?”

  “No, I just, I’ve never—"

  “Shh. I know, Evelyn. I’ll be careful with you. Relax, this is not the night we will join that way.”

  “It’s not?”

  Instead of answering, Marrok nipped her bottom lip, then licked away the sting. He massaged her thigh, moving higher with each caress. His hand slid under her nightie and her restless body arched when he finally reached her breast again.

  She turned towards him, hooking her leg over his hip. When she rocked forward, Marrok rolled her to her back with him on top. He nudged her legs apart, gently, allowing her to stop him if she chose.

  Evelyn parted her thighs and he settled between them. The heat from her center radiated into his erection and he rolled his hips gently. They groaned in unison.

  Marrok’s mouth coasted across her jawline, kissing and nipping. He licked the column of her throat, feeling her pulse increase under the slight pressure.

  Shifting his weight to his forearms and knees, he edged lower and lifted her nightgown higher. Her full breasts hit the night air and he took a moment to gaze upon his mate’s perfection.

  Evelyn held very still as Marrok took his time looking her over. The amber was the brightest she’d ever seen it. Minute scorches seared across her skin wherever the light from his irises fell. She could feel his gaze boring into her very pores.

  Those bright orbs locked on hers, his face lowering to her chest. His tongue darted out and rasped across her nipple. Once. Twice. Three times.

  Her wide eyes watched, captured in the erotic moment, unable to look away. When he sealed his mouth over her taut peak and sucked, Evelyn cried out. Her hands dove into his hair and held him to her chest.

  While he lapped and laved with his mouth, his hand pulled and rolled her other nipple, just to the point of pain. Her hips bucked, seeking the friction her male wasn’t giving.

  “Please,” she panted.

  “Please what?” he asked, switching his mouth’s attention to the opposite breast.

  “Touch me.”

  “I am touching you. You’ll have to be more specific.”

  “Marrok!” she complained.

  “I promise to give you what you need, moj draga. All you have to do is tell me where, specifically, you want to be touched.”

  Evelyn huffed, her body a quivering mess of need. He knew what she wanted. Why was he forcing her to say it?

  “Like last time,” she finally said.

  “Technically, we only kissed last time. Are you referring to the time before last? Tell me, Evelyn,” he ordered, allowing his demon power out with his words.

  Marrok’s power snaked across her skin, leaving behind molten tracks of desire. She let out a hiss, swearing the magics concentrated at the juncture of her thighs.

  She was starting to perspire, something that never happened in the dreamworld. The heart of her ached, needing, wanting. She could touch herself and it wouldn’t be enough. It would never be enough.

  Growing desperate, she grabbed his hand and
drew it to her core. “Here. Touch me here.”

  Marrok rewarded her by grazing his thumb across her clitoris and she moaned. Unabashed, unashamed, she lifted her pelvis wanting more pressure.

  “Do you want more of this, my sweet?”


  “Say it.”

  “I want more.”

  Evelyn’s eyes closed as she waited. Already she was close. A few strokes would be enough to send her over.

  Marrok kissed her hard and quick, then lowered himself further. He could see the tremor in her legs. Whether from need or nervousness, he didn’t know. His large hands pushed her thighs wide and he blew on the sensitive skin of her pinkened folds.

  Evelyn’s eyes flew open and she tried to take a breath. Everything in her was tight and tense. She was fevered, needing more than his breath upon her skin. As if he’d read her mind, she watched his tongue glide across her sensitive nub. Lightning crashed through her veins.

  He retreated then did it again. He did it over and over, going faster with each stroke of pleasure he lashed against her burning core. It was all she could do to lie there and take it. When his mouth clamped around the bundle of nerves, she crested, screaming his name into the night sky.

  Her chest rose and fell rapidly as she fought for air. If this was what subdued felt like, she may very well die from ecstasy when they touched in real life.

  Chapter 12

  Marrok crawled back up Evelyn’s body, watching her intently. His engorged shaft was painfully throbbing against his trousers, out of room like he was out of patience.

  Just as he thought it best to try to wake himself to take care if it, his mate’s smoky eyes caught him in their trap. Her hand cupped the back of his neck and drew him into a kiss.

  It was so tempting—too tempting—to have her under him like this. He jerked in surprise when he felt her grab his shirt at his sides and started pulling it up.

  “I want to see you. Take it off.”